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Warringal Conservation Society

The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is on again (

Each year in October Birdlife Australia organise the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. Over a one week window, people from all over Australia send in their bird observations from a 20 minute period at one location. The data provide a snapshot of year to year changes in bird distribution and abundance. Last year in Melbourne dry conditions resulted in an influx of uncommon inland species like the White-winged Triller, which were regularly sighted at Banyule Flats. Last summer’s fires have already resulted in unusual visitors, including the first Glossy Black Cockatoos seen in Melbourne for 150 years. It will be interesting to see what other changes this year’s bird count documents.

You don’t have to be a bird expert to take part in the Aussie Backyard Bird Count. There are plenty of resources on the website to help you identify species you see. Your entry goes onto an interactive map that you can browse to see what birds other observers have seen. Data is checked, compiled and published as a yearly national update on Australian birds. The most frequently observed birds in Victoria last year were the Australian Magpie, the Rainbow Lorikeet and the House Sparrow.