The Studley Park Gum (Eucalyptus X studleyensis) is a naturally occurring hybrid of the River Red Gum and Swamp Gum that is listed as endangered by Department of Environment, Land, Water. The North East link Project will largely destroy the last existing viable stand of the Studley Park Gum at the Simpson Army Barracks. To compensate for this loss, Studley Park Gum are being grown from seed collected at the Barracks and will be planted at fenced sites on Parks Victoria managed land in Westerfolds Park (Manningham), and a site near Montpelier Billabong. This project is part of a management plan developed by the North East Link Project for the 2019 Environmental Effects Statement hearing. Mature Studley Park Gum that are destroyed at the Barracks (estimated number 52) will be replaced by planting tube stock or saplings elsewhere, with allowances made for sapling deaths. Young Studley Park Gum, most likely hudreds of individuals, will not be replaced. Will new plantings recreate the self-sustaining Studley Park Gum population that exists in the Barracks? This is unlikely and was removed as a stated aim of the plan during the Environmental Effects Statement hearing. The Studley Park Gum will be an interesting addition to Westerfolds Park. However, managed plantings of Studley Park Gum will not replace the unique self-sustaining population that will be lost at the Simpson Barracks. A longer tunnel to protect habitat at the Simpson Barracks would be a much better way of preserving the Studley Park Gum.